Market Assessment and Competitive Analysis

Inflection 360 recognizes that the right focus is essential. Businesses face substantial opportunity costs associated with using valuable time and resources focused on the wrong opportunities.

Inflection 360 recognizes that the right focus is essential. Businesses face substantial opportunity costs associated with using valuable time and resources focused on the wrong opportunities. Focus is critical, and Inflection 360 is adept at helping our clients objectively understand the competitive landscape and the landmines and opportunities that lie ahead. We help our clients understand where to focus sales efforts and enhance their market niche.


The competitive landscape can change rapidly in any industry.  Depending upon the business type, various competitive assessments can be vital to making the appropriate business decisions.  Our team is adept at compiling and assessing relevant market research while also preparing financial, operational and strategic assessments of competitors.  With this information management can better determine the appropriate next steps – and the anticipated moves of its competition.

Product and Service Offerings

Before expanding into new product or service offerings, Inflection 360 can look at the market opportunity and assess the potential success.  Understanding industry trends and in-market dynamics will better position a business for any opportunity.  Existing business lines also must be evaluated to keep a business focused on its most profitable use of resources.  Our team will perform a detailed assessment of existing business lines to provide guidance to management.

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